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Themes Fx For Ms Powerpoint 2 0

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In PowerPoint, themes are an important part of the presentation. Even if nobody directly notices them, they are as necessary to the slide deck as the foundation for a house. Consistent appearance throughout the show improves understandability, and its professional look. Creating a theme is fairly easy; simply build the pieces and put them together. Free templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Download our 100% free templates to help you create killer presentations that will blow your audience away.

More reviews of PowerPoint add-ins than anywhere online, sorted alphabetically

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Recent PowerPoint Add-ins Reviews

Avopress Designer
A Theme is an important part of your PowerPoint presentation, and to some extent it is also an importantelement that helps create the same consistent appearance within your Word documents and Excel sheets. Also,it is this Theme that persists in retaining your brand identity within your slides and other digitaldocuments. And yet, Themes are a mystery to most users – and there’s no easy way to understand what ishappening behind the scenes. Avopress Designer, the product we are reviewing today can help solve thatmystery.

ShapeChef is a PowerPoint add-in which enables you to collect and organize your shapes and other assets, andshare them online.

Office Timeline
Office Timeline is an add-in for PowerPoint that helps you create a project timeline or Gantt chart, or anyother timeline graphic. These timeline graphics provide an easy way to present your project plans to teammembers, management, and clients. The Office Timeline wizard lets you pick the type of timeline you want tocreate. Pick from 10 Timeline templates, enter the data, personalize the Timelines to suit your projectneeds, and finally click Finish. You can even copy and paste data from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Projectto quickly create timelines.

Flip PowerPoint Professional
So much hard work goes into creating presentation slides in PowerPoint -- that's the reason why many userswant to repurpose their PowerPoint content to make elearning content, online presentations, screen saversand even ebooks. And our review product today goes a step further and lets you create page-flipping ebooks.Flip PowerPoint Professional opens your existing PowerPoint slides, and then provides you extra elements todesign consulting quality documents.

Flevy Tools
Flevy Tools lets you easily create automated diagrams such as Approach Diagrams, Step Box Diagrams, HarveyBall Diagrams, Gantt Charts, etc. All graphics created are native PowerPoint objects that you can editfurther. Even more amazing -- this tool is free.

NXPowerLite 1.0 for PowerPoint on Mac
Neuxpower NXPowerLite for PowerPoint 1.0 is the new version for Mac users. NXPowerLite for Mac optimizePowerPoint files with the file extensions PPT or PPTX. It shrinks the size of large PowerPoint files byremoving unnecessary data and converting graphics into the most appropriate file format and resolutionwithout losing the quality of the images.

Slide Executive xPoint WebEdition
Like Slide Executive xPoint Desktop Edition, an add-in that we have already reviewed, the Web Edition of thesame add-in searches and inserts slides and images from the web, straight into your PowerPointpresentations. The add-in installs as a tab of the Ribbon within PowerPoint providing access to a localand/or a central slide library in the cloud.

Podium is a PowerPoint add-in that provides a huge library of media elements such as images, vectordrawings, ready-to-use backgrounds, 3D clip art and shapes, embellishments, etc. All these elements areroyalty free, and most of these can also be individually customized to match the look of your slides.

Audacity audio recording software. MapPrez
MapPrez is a PowerPoint add-in that enables you to insert maps, and add place locations as labels directlyon inserted maps. All these actions can be done through a dedicated MapPrez tab in PowerPoint's Ribbon. Allmaps are sourced from Google -- and you can thus insert brilliant satellite and cartographic imagery with aclick or two.

Chart Advisor
Chart Advisor is a free add-in from Microsoft Office Labs for Excel 2007 that helps you to quickly choosethe perfect chart type for your data.

PPTools Resize is a PowerPoint add-in that allows PowerPoint users to change the size of their slideswithout distorting anything on the slides.

Themes Fx For Ms Powerpoint 2 0 4

OfficeOne Animations
OfficeOne Animations is a PowerPoint add-in that provides over 50 extra animation effects other than whatare already provided by PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Add-in Reviews and Tutorials by Alphabetical Order

PowerPoint Add-ins - A, B, C

Avopress Designer
A Theme is an important part of your PowerPoint presentation, and to some extent it is also an importantelement that helps create the same consistent appearance within your Word documents and Excel sheets. Also,it is this Theme that persists in retaining your brand identity within your slides and other digitaldocuments. And yet, Themes are a mystery to most users – and there’s no easy way to understand what ishappening behind the scenes. Avopress Designer, the product we are reviewing today can help solve thatmystery.

Articulate Presenter '09
Articulate Presenter ’09 is the new version of Articulate Presenter, a product that quickly createsFlash-based presentations and e-learning courses from PowerPoint.

BrainStorm QuickHelp
BrainStorm QuickHelp is an online resource that provides many video tutorials on using Microsoft Officeprograms.

Cinematize 3 Pro
Cinematize 3 Pro is a DVD extractor program that lets you rip a clip (or part of a clip) from your DVD. Youcan also rip just the audio track, the video track, or subtitles -- and convert the extracted content intovarious video and audio formats. Cinematize 3 Pro has the ability to batch-extract any number of segments,and you can save your favorite settings as presets, to be used in future.

PowerPoint Add-ins - D, E, F

Dynamic NEWS
Dynamic NEWS is an add-in for PowerPoint that enables you to add RSS feeds to your PowerPoint presentations. Phonerescue 3 6 1 – ios data recovery program. Typically,RSS feeds deliver the latest news, but, of course, you are not limited to news alone! Whatever the content of the RSS feedyou choose to integrate, the moot point here is that this content can be presented and delivered right from within a PowerPointslide. You can imagine that the possibilities to use something of this sort can be endless.

Effective Presentations
Effective Presentations is a set of three CDs that contains movie-based tutorial chapters on creating betterpresentations in PowerPoint.

Themes fx for ms powerpoint 2 0 4

Dynamic TIME
Let's imagine that you want to show a clock on your slides -- or, do you want to show a countdown or evencounters of seconds, minutes, hours, or even days? Or if your countdown gets to zero, you may wantsomething to happen after that, such as moving to another slide? Of course, this is possible to achieve inPowerPoint. All you need is a thorough knowledge of programming, and even better -- a programmer sittingnext to you all the time so that you don't have to worry about setting it all up! We found a bettersolution, and it does not need a full time programmer -- it only needs a one-time investment of a fewdollars. Money management online. And it's an add-in called Dynamic TIME that plugs right within PowerPoint.

FlashSpring Pro 2.2
FlashSpring Pro 2.2 is the newest version of FlashSpring -- it is a PowerPoint add-in which allows you toconverts your PowerPoint presentations into Flash SWF movies with all the slide transitions, customanimations, audio and video clips, and inserted Flash SWF files intact.

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PowerPoint Add-ins - G, H, I

iSpring Presenter 7
iSpring Presenter 7 is a PowerPoint add-in which enables you to create media-rich courses and presentationswith quizzes in HTML5 and Flash.

Most PowerPoint add-ins bring additional features into PowerPoint - these features range from multimedia totransitions and output and design. Graphicae is different - it brings a whole new organizational structureinto your PowerPoint creation workflow. Let's explore.


Themes Fx For Ms Powerpoint 2 0 2

iSpring Converter
iSpring Converter is a PowerPoint add-in that converts your existing PowerPoint slides into interactiveHTML5 content suitable for viewing on iOS devices like the iPad.

InterActiv™ PresentationWizard
InterActiv™ Presentation Wizard is a PowerPoint add-in that creates non-linear PowerPointpresentations where all slides are interlinked to each other using hyperlinks. Fusion 250. Think of creating kiosk stylePowerPoints or just something that makes a PowerPoint presentation function as a web page.

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PowerPoint Add-ins - J, K, L

Jigsaw Maker 2
Jigsaw Maker 2 a PowerPoint add-in can add a whole new level of interest to a PowerPoint slide, especiallyif the jigsaw shapes are cleverly placed and animated.

Liquid Cabaret
Liquid Cabaret is an amazing collection of music created specifically for use in PowerPointpresentations.

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PowerPoint Add-ins - M, N, O

MagPointer is a PowerPoint add-in from MagPointer, that automatically detects slide objects and enables youto interact with those objects in real time.

Neuxpower NXPowerLite 5
NXPowerLite 5 reduces the size of PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, JPEG images,and PDF files (PDF is new for this version). All the optimized files retain their original format, withalmost no loss of quality. The application also works integrated within Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook,Outlook Express or Windows Mail -- this means that NXPowerLite will automatically optimize email attachmentsas they are sent and the file recipients don't need NXPowerLite to open or edit the attachments. https://bestwfiles862.weebly.com/dbf-viewer.html.

Office Timeline
Office Timeline is an add-in for PowerPoint that helps you create a project timeline or Gantt chart, or anyother timeline graphic. These timeline graphics provide an easy way to present your project plans to teammembers, management, and clients. The Office Timeline wizard lets you pick the type of timeline you want tocreate. Pick from 10 Timeline templates, enter the data, personalize the Timelines to suit your projectneeds, and finally click Finish. You can even copy and paste data from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Projectto quickly create timelines.

OfficeOne Shape Locker
Shape Locker is a PowerPoint add-in that allows you to lock several attributes so that slide objects areprevented from further modifications. These objects can be on slides, Master slides, and even Slide layouts.With Shape Locker, you can lock a slide object's position, size, rotation attributes, etc. Once attributesare locked, you cannot make any change to the restricted attributes.

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PowerPoint Add-ins - P, Q, R

PixSwap add-in provides you with more control over the color of your vector graphics in PowerPoint.

PowerFinish VideoBackgrounds
PowerFinish looping video backgrounds from PowerFinish. These video backgrounds can be directly used in yourpresentations, or can be used through third party video engines.

Ribbon Hero 2
Ribbon Hero 2 is an interactive game for Microsoft Office 2010 and 2007 for Windows (Word, PowerPoint, Exceland now OneNote) designed to help you boost your knowledge and skills in using Office applications. It isfrom Office Labs.

Rhapzodé is being marketed as a PowerPoint security tool -- the product allows you to create EXEsfrom PowerPoint presentations -- these can be password protected, watermarked, and given program expiryoptions.

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PowerPoint Add-ins - S, T, U

slideboxx 2.0
slideboxx 2.0 is a third party product from from Zinali, LLC, a company based in San Francisco, California,USA that searches and Indexes your PowerPoint slides quickly and easily.

Themes Fx For Ms Powerpoint 2 0 F

SnagIt is from TechSmith, It is a powerful screen capture and editing tool that allows you to capture, edit,and share anything on your screen. Version 6.2 of SnagIt provides screen capture add-ins within MicrosoftPowerPoint, Word and Internet Explorer.

ToolsToo 5.1
ToolsToo is a PowerPoint add-in includes various options to make all objects on your slide equally sized,aligned, to share equal shape attributes etc. It also includes many more options that help you to manageyour PowerPoint slide objects easily.

ToolBook Instructor 9.5
ToolBook Instructor helps users and large companies create interactive content, quizzes, assessments, andsoftware simulations. Content is deployed as HTML for distribution on the Internet or an intranet, deliveredthrough SumTotal Learning Management solution, or any SCORM or AICC-compliant Learning Management System(LMS).

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PowerPoint Add-ins - V, W, X, Y, Z

VaySoft PPTX to EXE Converter
PPTX to EXE Converter helps you to convert PowerPoint 2007 and PowerPoint 2010 PPTX files to EXE files andallows you to specify the program which can be used to view the EXE on target computers.

Themes Fx For Ms Powerpoint 2 0 1

Jriver media center 25 0 1230. VisualBee 2 for PowerPoint
VisualBee 2 is a freeware PowerPoint add-in that automatically analyses your PowerPoint presentation textand structure, and builds a new designed presentation with appropriate templates, images, and graphics withan easy to use wizard based interface.

WildPresenter Pro 3
WildPresenter Pro 3 enables you to create LMS compliant, customized Flash quizzes, tests, assessments, andsurveys for your PowerPoint presentation without the need for any programming.

How to edit vlogs on macbook. YawnBuster adds group activities such as audience polls, games, group exercises, competitions, etc. andembeds these group activities as part of your PowerPoint file. It is from Harbinger.

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